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Posts on Recruitment

Increasing Profits From Your Recruitment CRM

Your recruitment CRM is a goldmine of profit. Discover four proven strategies for accelerating growth from within your recruitment agency database.

Make More Placements With Less Effort

Automating simple recruitment tasks typically generates increased agency profitability. Discover 4 time-saving automations every recruiter should be using.

4 Steps to Profitability with Existing Candidates

By enriching the data coming into your recruitment CRM, you'll put your agency in the best position to accelerate existing candidate placements.

A Fin-tastic Start to 2022!

We’ve had a fin-tastic January at Firefish, discover what our teams have been up to!

Fishmas Hero Awards 2021

This year we celebrated our first ever Fishmas Hero Awards and we're over the moon at just how many nominations we had!

Firefish Crowns Fish of the Year and Celebrates Fishmas 2021

We wish it could be Fishmas everyday! See what we got up to at our Christmas party this year.

Focus Day and Birthday Extravaganza

It's time for another bi-annual Focus Day. Here's what we got up to for our second Focus Day of 2021.

Firefish Celebrates National Inclusion Week

We came together with other Inclusive Employers to champion inclusivity in the workplace, here's what we got up to.

Team Collaboration at the Hub

This month the Hub has been a vibrant and busy place. Teams came together to collaborate, socialise and take a break from WFH.

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging: What it means to ‘belong’ at Firefish

What does 'belonging' mean to the Firefish shoal? Our Fish created an awesome video to share their experiences.

Firefish Fest 2021

We knew our first Summer Social since lockdown had to be a special one for our Fish! So we held our first ever Firefish Fest...

Firefish visits the Hub

Across the month of June we had the chance to spend some time with our teams at our shiny new office space in Glasgow here' how it went...

Swimming to Edinburgh for Tru

As proud Glaswegians, we know all about the ribbing our city gives Edinburgh and vice versa. Banter aside, we never shy away from a tri...

It's Turning Into RecruitmentMania

Remember when you were a wee kid and you'd be so excited for the end of March because it was WrestleMania season? Just us? Who are we k...

The Future of Recruitment is Upon Us

Cast your mind back to last month (c'mon, February was a short month so it's easy) when we announced the first ever predictive recruitm...

Shortlisted for the Recruiter Awards...who, us?

It was a Wednesday afternoon like any other, oohing and aahing at the latest tech news online and hoovering the last of the Haribo Star...

One TEAM, One Excellent Conference

Cards on the table, the Firefish family don’t exactly fit the traditional ‘conference mould’. You see, we know they can be a bit boring...

Recruitment Events Springing Into Summer

Summer is coming! Okay, that may be a tad optimistic to proclaim on February 8th but there's no denying the nights are getting longer (...

Savage Truth in Scotland for Predictive Recruitment Event

Have we been a bit cheeky and kept a secret? Sorry, we put up our fins and admit it- we have! But you’re going to absolutely love the n...

Oh What a Night!

If there’s a time of year the Firefish team love more than the holidays, it’s got to be awards season. It’s a great opportunity for us ...

The Fish Loves Winners

Remember when you were wee and your Mum/Dad/Granny/Grandad/ whoever you most wanted to impress would say "it's not the winning, it's th...

Firefish Software Investment Update

Six months on from the £4 million strategic investment by the Foresight Group, Firefish CEO, Wendy McDougall, shares an update.

Firefish Updates August & September 2023

At Firefish Software we are continually improving and evolving our Recruitment CRM, discover the releases.

Firefish Updates July 2023

At Firefish Software we are continually improving and evolving our recruitment CRM, discover the new releases.

Firefish Updates June 2023

At Firefish Software we are continually improving and evolving our recruitment CRM, discover the new releases.

Firefish Updates May 2023

At Firefish Software we are continually improving and evolving our recruitment CRM, discover the new releases.

Firefish Updates April 2023

At Firefish we are continually improving and evolving our recruitment software, discover what we released in April

Firefish Updates February 2023

At Firefish we are continually improving and evolving our recruitment software, discover what we released in February

Chrome Extension for LinkedIn 

Transform social sourcing processes by empowering recruiters to capture and update both candidate and client records in their CRM, directly

Firefish Updates January 2023

At Firefish we are continually improving and evolving our recruitment software, discover what we released in January 2023.

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Join a community of over 15,000 recruiters who aren't just keeping up but are leading the way, powered withthe most up-to-date industry knowledge and insights.