2021 Fish of The Year
This 2021 edition of our Christmas celebration known as ‘Fishmas’ ended up being the most anticipated social event on the Firefish calendar. In 2020, like many other companies around the world our Fishmas event went virtual so this year it felt like an extra special treat to be able to get together in person. It was also our first year celebrating Fishmas in our newly refurbished Hub.
At the annual event, we get together to enjoy the festivities, but also to celebrate all the hard work done by our Fish this year. During Fishmas, one team member is crowned ‘Fish of the Year’ as voted for by the fellow Fish and another special award goes to our (highly competitive) Team of the Year. This award is based on the number of team points earned throughout the year. Here's what we got up to...
It’s quizmas time, there’s no need to be afraid!
Early in the evening, our Head of Talent Vicki took on the role of quiz master for our annual Fishmas Quiz.

Santa Claus is coming to town
As a shoal, we decided to run a Secret Santa again this year and to make gift-giving extra special, we invited an honorary guest – Santa himself!
Santa dished out the gifts and spread Christmas cheer by singing a few festive numbers on the mic. He even enjoyed a traditional Christmas dinner and drinks with the Shoal afterwards - Santa likes to party!
DJ Donald took to the decks
We had our resident DJ Fish, Donald (or The Sheriff as he’s better known on the decks) spin tunes for us all night long. Shout out to Donald for keeping everybody dancing and singing along for the whole of Fishmas.
We also whipped out our new karaoke machine towards the end of the night. After a lot of festive cheer, the Fish were singing. It's fair to say the karaoke machine will be coming out at future events.
Winner, winner, Fishmas dinner!
We gathered round later in the night for another of Chief Fish Wendy’s iconic Fishmas speeches. During her speech, she revealed the results for Fish of the Year and Team of the Year. Drum roll please….
The Growth are Team of the Year
This year, the Growth team slid into first place with a fin-omenal total of 135 team points making them our Team of the Year 2021.
The team worked extremely hard this year and have gone above and beyond in their day-to-day duties. Collectively. they've demonstrated that they live our values, always strive to be the best and are always up for getting involved in all areas of the business. Congratulations to the Growth team!

A huge well done goes out to all of our teams here at Firefish. Over the year, our Product team gathered 118 points earning them second place ahead of the Customer team with 89 points and our Operations team with 35 points. Together we are all 'one team with one dream'.
Senior Content Marketer Amy wins Fish of the Year
We’re are very proud to announce our Senior Customer Marketer, Amy McLaughlin was voted Fish of the Year 2021!

Not only did Amy work her way up to promotion this year but she also took on a new role and throughout it all she's been an exceptional member of the team. Amy is always ready to help others and share her extensive knowledge of all things Firefish software and of course our fin-tastic customers.
Here’s some of the things the Fish had to say about our Fish of the Year:
“She is always keen to get involved and have fun, is always so helpful when you have any questions and willing to help anyone out. I think Amy has a wide knowledge of the business as a whole; from the product to our customers’ needs and her amazing marketing skills. She’s never without a great idea and has been a pleasure to work with.”
“Amy has done an amazing job of growing into her new role of Senior Customer Marketer, it has been great to see her face challenges within the marketing team head on and with great confidence.”
“Amy works so hard and has stepped into her newly created role in Customer Marketing with ease. She is super approachable and quick to help anyone at all times and takes on challenges like a super star.”
What a great way to end the year with the Shoal. Until next time, have a Merry Fishmas! 🐠🎄