Firefish News

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April Focus Day

Focus Day – where we get together to review the last six months of positive impacts, and brainstorm the projects for the next six months.

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You... Your Texts Are On Fire

"...and it burns, burns, burns the ring of fire" "We didn't start the fire, it was always burnin'..." Yeah, there are a lot of songs ou...

We Looked into the Future and Liked What We Saw

For those who know Firefish Software® from our product, our social media, our blog- you may be aware that yesterday was a pretty big da...

Swimming to Edinburgh for Tru

As proud Glaswegians, we know all about the ribbing our city gives Edinburgh and vice versa. Banter aside, we never shy away from a tri...

The Odd Couple Making Growth Work

Sales and marketing in harmony? C'maaaaan, don't be silly. Sales spend their days smiling and dialling while the marketing team have th...

It's Turning Into RecruitmentMania

Remember when you were a wee kid and you'd be so excited for the end of March because it was WrestleMania season? Just us? Who are we k...

A Picnic (and some wise words) in the Park

Okay, there wasn't a picnic per se, it was more a feast for the ears than the belly. On Monday our CEO Wendy and UX Ninja (haaaa ya!) C...

The Future of Recruitment is Upon Us

Cast your mind back to last month (c'mon, February was a short month so it's easy) when we announced the first ever predictive recruitm...

Shortlisted for the Recruiter Awards...who, us?

It was a Wednesday afternoon like any other, oohing and aahing at the latest tech news online and hoovering the last of the Haribo Star...

One TEAM, One Excellent Conference

Cards on the table, the Firefish family don’t exactly fit the traditional ‘conference mould’. You see, we know they can be a bit boring...