A trip to the park
Okay, there wasn't a picnic per se, it was more a feast for the ears than the belly. On Monday our CEO Wendy and UX Ninja (haaaa ya!) Cassandra left the office and took a trip to the local park. Were they in the mood for a kickabout or a go on the see-saw? Nope. They were there to experience the latest in meet-up formats, Agile on the Bench as a speaker and spectator respectively.

The concept is simple
The concept is simple; meetings are scheduled online and attendees rock up to the park, take their spot on the bench and speakers have their say in 15 minute slots. No venue hire costs, no stuffy corporate atmosphere and no projector issues so everyone's a winner! Our Cassandra was there to talk about her move from sales to technology. This time last year she was working as an Account Manager and now she works side by side with our development and product support teams, ensuring our software is giving our clients a top notch experience. It's a job she actually enjoys waking up for in the mornings (who'd have thought that was possible?)...
"I absolutely love working in technology! Delivering a great product to real users and having influence over what goes into that product are things that really excite and make me feel proud of what we do here. I also feel really lucky to be representing both women in tech, and a non-traditional route in to the sector, having started my career in sales"
Our CEO Wendy is a great champion of women in tech and we're proud that here at Firefish, women take on many key roles in the company. Everyone at Firefish is encouraged to play to their strengths and carve out their own career path and that's exactly what Cassandra has done with her role and Wendy couldn't be prouder;
"I was lucky enough to find an industry, the recruitment sector and past companies that had no glass ceilings, no obstacles for me to push through, just recognition for skills and passion that I brought to the job. So why can’t the technology sector be the same ? It is embedded in our culture that each employee has the capability to carve out their own Firefish journey and make their mark. Cassandra moving from recruitment success to UX testing is an excellent example of seeing this happen. She should be very proud of this achievement"
You can meet the rest of the Firefish team here or if you're interested in booking someone as a speaker, get in touch with a tweet @firefishnow or call 0141 648 8520.