Let's have a look at the year
2015- you’ve been a wee belter! Something about this time of year makes us stop and take stock of what’s happened over the last 12 months. Oh, and it also makes us want to hit up the local ice rink, eat all the advent calendar chocolate before the 25th and watch Love Actually for the billionth time, but there’s plenty of sleeps left 'til the festive season is over. Anyhoo, back to the deep thinking and reflecting…
We’re a lucky bunch in that we can look back on 2015 and be filled with warm, fuzzy feelings. There have been plenty of highlights. Let’s take a look...
Our family has grown!
11 new starts have joined the Firefish family since January across all of our teams! That’s a LOT of new talent and smiley new faces in the Aquarium and we’re incredibly lucky to have such a great bunch of people working hard to bring the best product we can to our users. We’ve also been nominated/ finalists for a handful of great industry awards and been winners, too! But we love winners so much that we –once again- decided to sponsor a lot of events and awards ceremonies this year which meant lots of hand shaking and posing for pictures but also, many a great night out with our pals from across the recruitment land. Any excuse to party…

The biggie, though? It might just be our brand spanking new Aquarium (complete with 8 ft deckchair) and the fact we have a place to call our own where we don’t have to be practically sitting on top of one another at work. We needed somewhere to put all our newbies, right?!
We love our new house!
In September, we threw a housewarming which was a ton of fun. Bill Boorman did the honours officially declaring our new pad ‘open!’ and we had a great time well into the wee hours with our guests so a huge thanks to those who attended.

You know us, we like to keep ourselves in-the-know about the hustle and happenings in the recruitment industry so we’re always out and about meeting up with great partners and influencers. One such guy is the legend from the land down under, Greg Savage.

We’ve followed him for a while now and love his blog and words of wisdom and in October we got the opportunity to attend his UK speaking tour and meet him. It was a brilliant day and the best bit? We’re bringing him back to the UK (to Glasgow, specifically) in June 2016!
Not only are we delighted about the year we’ve had but we’re massively excited about the year we’re going to have and we can’t wait to share the journey with you. A whole host of amazing new users, partners, blog readers, social fans and fishy friends joined the #lovethefish train in 2015 and we're so grateful to every single one of you, we could never properly quantify how much we love our new and our not-so-new pals. Yep, we're looking at you old faithful who joined us in yesteryears... we're scooping you up in our fins for a big festive cuddle, too!
We wish you a happy and safe holiday season and we look forward to making many more memories in 2016.