Who wins the crown this year?
Of all the events in the Firefish social calendar, Fishmas is by far our favourite so there was no way we weren’t celebrating this year! We couldn’t all gather at the Aquarium like we usually do, but if there’s food and drink involved, the Fishies will always find a way!
We all decorated our desks with trees, tinsel and advent calendars that had been sent to us in advance of our party, got our Christmas jumpers and sparkles on, and joined possibly the rowdiest Zoom call there’s ever been!

Let’s Get Quizzical
One thing you may not know about the shoal is that we’re a very competitive bunch! Instead of being in teams for our annual quiz we were competing on our own, so we found out who really knows their stuff…and who’s not quite as good a quizzer as they’ve previously seemed.
Our winner was Senior Developer, John Mason. His knowledge of his colleagues is particularly impressive as he’s only been with the shoal since May!
A Fishmas Feast
Given the shoal’s ability to drink like Fish, it was important that we had something to soak up the booze! Our pals at Regis Banqueting have always done a great job of catering our monthly lunches, but when they suggested that they could deliver a three course meal and drinks to each of us individually and all we’d need to do was heat it up…well, we thought they’d bitten off far more than they could chew. How wrong we were! The delivery was faultless, the food was exceptional, and we all enjoyed the novelty of tucking into a festive feast together.

After dinner, the drinks continued to flow. Some peaked too soon and had to head off to bed, some were unknowingly muted because of their crap chat (but kept on chatting anyway!), and some were kicked out of the party when Chief Fish, Wendy, decided it was time for bed (don’t worry, they managed to get back on!). But we all had an awesome time, and the last Fish standing kept celebrating into the small hours.
And the Winner Is…
Without doubt, the highlight of Fishmas is crowing our Fish of the Year. Fish of the Year is a really special award, as each Fish votes for the person they feel has made the biggest positive impact and really lived our company values throughout the year.
Each and every member of the team has worked tirelessly to make sure that the ship kept sailing this year, so there was no way we could guess who Wendy would announce as our winner. We were all elated to discover that our Fish of the Year is Alan McFadden!

Here are just some of the reasons that Alan’s fellow Fish crowned him King of the Shoal for 2020:
"Alan has done an outstanding job steering the Growth team in what's been a turbulent year. His energy and determination are infectious, and he always makes a positive impact."
"Alan is like a burst of positivity and productivity. A great representation of Firefish and he just keeps bringing those sales in which helps the overall cause; simply great!"
"Alan has taken a huge jump in responsibility and has been instrumental in supporting the business through the pandemic. His growth this year has been incredible!"
So that’s a promotion and Fish of the Year in the space of a few weeks for King Alan – and no one deserves it more!