In recruitment, nothing stands still and at Firefish, neither does our software
Our collective recruitment knowledge coupled with our user-community voice ensures we provide a product built by Recruiters, For Recruiters. Let’s look at some of the improvements we rolled out in July.

Website Plugin Management
We’ve made it easier to enhance the content journey throughout your website – giving users easier access to start a recruitment blog, create a meet the team page, showcase testimonial and more. You’ll also be able to learn more about the plugins you don’t have enabled, allowing you to make an informed decision and improved the process for enabling plugins.
Learn more about our plugins.
Cookie Panel Improvements
In July, we added some extra guidance to help Firefish users make the right decisions on their cookie policy settings. This means that if you choose to use your own cookie settings and turn off the Firefish panel, preventing your candidates from being asked twice, you will be reminded of the ICO regulations.
We can also add on the ability to have your cookie settings read by Firefish meaning you will only require one customised panel on your home page, this can be done by contacting support.
Offer Compliance Improvements
Firefish users love our compliance workflows, and last month we made them even easier to use.
Now when the compliance on the role and candidate has been completed, recruiters can now confirm the placement without needing a super user or compliance user. This allows you to keep control of what roles need compliance approval and add more flexibility for users to make placements.
Check out more about our compliance features.
Employer Portal Improvements
Our employer portal is something that gives recruiters the edge when it comes to client experience, so we decided to make it even more responsive for our clients.
When a client creates a new job in the portal, recruiters will now receive a To Do list action and an email automatically to keep them informed. The Account manager for the client will also receive an email automatically to keep them up to date with the account.
Job Board Multiposter
The Job Board Multiposting feature allows our users to write their job ad once and post it across more than 35 unique job boards in just a few clicks.
To make this process run even more smoothly we have adjusted some of the mandatory fields Saon group job boards, meaning you can now automatically select working from home as an option and when posting to REED you can hide the salary on our ads.
See our multi poster here.