Cycling for success
Most people, when they book annual leave, intend to collapse on a beach for two weeks and only move a muscle to sip another ice-cold beer. You might have noticed however, we do things a little bit differently at Firefish. Therefore, when our Release & Build Manager Barry put in his request for a few days off, we knew he had something more than sunbathing in mind…
Barry is a keen cyclist, and has decided to use his pedal power for a good cause. Over the next 13 days he will cycle from Marrakesh to Madrid, a distance of around 1,000 miles, to raise funds for MND Scotland. Motor neurone disease currently has no cure, but thanks to fundraising efforts such as Barry’s epic cycle, the charity is working to provide care and support to people with MND, their families, friends and carers. They are the only Scottish charity to carry out this vital work, and they raise funds to carry on research into treatment and cures for the disease. This is especially important to Barry, as his good friend Fraser has recently been diagnosed with MND.

We’re keeping up to date with Barry’s progress on his cycle tracker, and couldn’t be more proud of him (although we hope he's not two-tyred when he finishes..). He has already smashed his fundraising target of £555, and you can donate to MND in support of Barry and Fraser here.
We're all very much enjoying his email updates, and can't wait to have Barry back in the Aquarium soon (even if his exploits do make the rest of us feel a bit lazy by comparison).