Combining the forces!
We’re a sociable bunch at Firefish, so we absolutely love getting visitors. It was therefore our pleasure to welcome the charming gang from CodeClan in to sea our Aquarium! CodeClan are an organisation who provide high level training to professionals who are looking to retrain into developers. It’s an intensive 16 week course, producing fantastic future developers in both Edinburgh and Glasgow.

As our Head of Happiness & Talent Magnet, Vicki, says:
"We are really passionate about the future of software developers and front end web developers so for us it’s so brilliant to meet people who are excited to become part of this thriving sector. It’s particularly great to see developer talent in Glasgow, where we’re based. It’s fabulous for the industry (and for Firefish!) that CodeClan are helping more people into careers in tech, and we’re delighted to be involved."
Life as a developer at Firefish
Eleven of the CodeClan gang swum into the Aquarium in the afternoon, to have a good look at what life is like for qualified developers. Our Head of Happiness & Talent Magnet, Vicki, gave a quick overview of our fab Firefish system, what we do for our clients and why we all #lovethefish. Then, it was over to Natasha to explain what she does on a day to day basis as Lead Front End Developer, and about the Front End Developer opportunities we have in the Aquarium. The CodeClan team were also treated to our fabulous video advert for one of our roles – starring our own Fish!
Working hard and playing hard at the Aquarium
Following the work chat, it was time to play!
The future developers had a wander round our Aquarium, and like every good house party, congregated in the kitchen for a chat about our open plan office, Fish Bar and.. our fridge?? Luckily Vicki isn't one to shy away from, err, 'outside the box' questions, and after a discussion on the merits of our enormous office fridge, it was time to say goodbye. We weren’t letting the team go home without throwing a few into our giant deckchair for photos however – it’s a Firefish rite of passage!

All in all it was a great day – we really enjoyed having the CodeClan bunch in to visit us, and we hope to see some of them back some time soon! If you’re interested in any of our Firefish roles, have a look at our Jobs page, or follow our Twitter to learn more about the #lovethefish life.