End of Month Winners
How has August been and gone already? Every month, we love to recognise and reward our Fish for their contributions to the Shoal, their team or Firefish as a whole. Let’s dive into the announcing the winners for August!
Congratulations to Gerard Smith, our Product Experience Executive, for landing Fish of the Month in August! Gerard's had a stormer of a month and has been recognised by all functions across the business. His outstanding dedication, innovative thinking, and relentless pursuit of excellence have not only made him a valued member of our team but also a true inspiration to his colleagues. This recognition is well-deserved, and we're excited to see him continue to make waves in the future. Well done, Gerard!
Congratulations to the Product team at Firefish Software for clinching the well-deserved Team of the Month title for August! They’ve been smashing features and new releases out the water for the last month and have showed no signs of slowing down any time soon! Every member of the team has stepped up their game and the results speak for themselves – congratulations Product, Its fin-ominally well deserved!

Doggy Day in the Park
Did you know that International Dog Day falls at the end of August?
We certainly do, and what better way to celebrate than to have a doggy day out in Glasgow? Some of our Fish came together to mark International Dog Day at Rouken Glen Park. It was fin-tastic to see all our Shoalmates and our furry four-legged friends together!
Thankfully the weather held out and the dogs – and humans – had a great time!
What day should we celebrate next?
Ready to Insp-Hire
Our Head of Talent Vicki Moir and Amy Hollingsworth, our Employer Branding Executive, had a fin-ominal experience at the Smart STEMs InspiHire event, where they connected with budding tech leaders of tomorrow. The event served as a platform for industry experts to motivate young minds and highlight the promising tech careers within companies like Firefish Software.
Smart STEMs, who work to bridge the education-industry gap through events and workshops like Insp-Hire, made us feel so welcome. It was amazing to see the variety of companies and professionals there to engage with the attendees and get them excited about a future career in the tech sector.
Vicki Moir said: “Amy and I had a great time at the Insp-Hire event hosted by Nine Twenty Recruitment and SmartSTEMs. We were speaking with the amazing next generation of tech superstars about the kind of careers that companies like Firefish Software can offer and were both blown away by the knowledge that these young people already have (age group 4-14). We left so excited about the future of the industry.”