Don’t Be Fooled!
At Firefish, we love an opportunity to collaborate, gettogether and work towards common goals to improve Firefish as a product and a company. Every six months we hold accompany wide Focus Day to help us achieve this and give us a renewed focus moving forward in our new Focus Groups.
A special shout out to our newest Fish Ali, who is a very brave swimmer, having his first day with the company on Focus Day! Ali is joining our Product Experience Team,

After our team brainstorming sessions, we all headed off to the Hub and being held on April Fools’ Day, we had to incorporate some magic to the day! Our Focus Groups had to work together to pull off a dazzling magic trick for the rest of Shoal; safe to say some went better than others! Amy and Vicki hosted a charity raffle in aid of Myeloma UK with some amazing prizes on offer. And as always, we always like to keep a little something up our sleeve, so the Shoal had a visit from a special guest; Grant, a fin-tastic magician, who bamboozled quite a few of us!
Come on and Join the Cue!
As part of our #lovethefish Focus Group, we hosted a pool competition to raise funds for Myeloma UK, a charity which is very close to our hearts. We held the prelim round across our team lunch days, with Peter from Customer, Ross from PX and Build, Lewis representing App Support, Richard from Ops and Alan from Growth being crowned their Functions champion.
We hosted the Grand Finale on Focus Day to determine who is the Ultimate Pool Champion of Firefish! Ross and Lewis had a play off the decide who was overall Product Champion, with Lewis taking home the victory. Alan knocked out Richard in the first semi-final before Lewis beat Peter to advance to the final.
It was a close fought game, but Alan walked away victorious for the Growth Team, well done Alan!
We also had a contest for our Further Flung Fish that hadn’t had a chance to play; after a close fought battle, our co-founder Andrew Mackay was crowned Far Flung Fish Champion, congratulations!

We set ourselves the challenge of raising £500 across the pool contest and raffle but our Shoal smashed it out the ocean once again and raised over £900 for Myeloma UK! Our directors very generously rounded that up, so we made it to £1000 with is beyond belief! Thank you so very much to the whole Shoal, that’s fin-credible!
And the winner is….
We’ve been shortlisted for an award! The Scotland IS Digital Technology Awards are back in person this year after a three year wait and Firefish has been shortlisted for the Best Workplace Award which is fin-onimal!

It’s fin-credible to have our hard work and achievements recognised on a national scale, and everyone else shortlisted is well deserving, so we are up against some stiff competition. Fins crossed we come away the winners!
Do you want to find out if we win? You’ll have to come back and read our next News Splash!